
Welcome to Red Garage Door! I’m Jodi, a homeschool Mom, have a homeschooling website; likes: rollerskating, B flicks, long walks on the beach, museums, my family, eCommerce, juicing & my Vita-mix.

Red Garage Door is where I write about my path to better health and wellness. You may also find me writing about my websites, opinions, experiences, or anything that comes to mind. I am a planner nerd who likes juicing and smoothies. I hope to provide you with encouragement from my successes, laughter with my fails, and resources and tools to guide you in this lifestyle change.

Please note: I am not a doctor, or a nurse, or anyone in the medical profession. What I post here is not to substitute whatever your doc might tell you. You can also read the FDA Disclaimer and Medical Disclaimer located at the bottom of the page and over on the right column.

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